4 Types Of Anglers That You Have Probably Encountered

4 Types Of Anglers That You’ve Probably Encountered

If you are new to the sport of fishing, are not familiar with the waterways, or are a new boat owner, it is important that you take your time, demonstrate genuine respect and etiquette, and iron out the wrinkles while you are getting the swing of things while you are learning the ropes.

Let's run through a few different types of anglers that you have likely come across will fishing the Gulf Coast waters.

#1 The Eat My Wake Angler

This excited angler maintains a speed of forty miles per hour and believes they are being nice when they speed right past you when you are anchored, drifting, or fishing a specific spot.

This is by far the most common situation seen when fishing in the bays, there should be no excuses for so bad that you must blaze past another boat in this day and age given the advancements that have been made in modern technology such as precise , logs, , depth finders, and even .

#2 The Territorial Angler

These anglers all exhibit the same characteristic, which is commonly shown by some old timers and charter boat captains who think that a specific body of water belongs to them just because they have been fishing there for a considerable amount of time.

Some fishermen even go so far as to give the body of water or reef a name, under the mistaken notion that this is what the location in question is officially known as.

#3 The Out Of My Way Angler

It is customary to provide fishing guides and their party with a little additional space; it is very common to just show respect to your local captains. Courtesy should always flow in both directions; nonetheless, it is standard practice to do so.

In some cases, you might come across a guide or tournament angler who have the mindset that their time on the water takes precedence over your time on the water simply due to the fact that they are participating in a tournament or carrying paying guests on their boat. There are mixed opinions on this topic in the fishing community but the takeaway in most cases comes down to staying humble and being respectful – everyone ultimately want's to get out and catch some fish.

On the other hand, just because you financed a $90K bay boat for 30 years doesn't mean that you have the right to cut in at the boat ramp or fish a particular location over another angler who is casually fishing and minding their own business. On that same note, if your boat has an awesome sound system, most anglers don't want to hear your loud music at the boat ramp at 5AM while they prepare for their trip at the .

#4 The Single Spot Angler

Some folks only have one or two places where they can fish, therefore if there is already someone fishing in their typical area, they may try and push their way into the spot rather than leaving to find another place to fish. Instead of throwing hand signals and yelling across the water at each other, it can be an excellent opportunity to ask for help, most experienced anglers love a good opportunity to offer friendly advice.

Share The Water

Our waterways are a common area, if you were to put yourself in a certain circumstance on the water or when fishing and then ask yourself, “How would I feel if these circumstances were reversed?” you would probably discover the answer to the question of whether you are acting ethically or unethically.

If you are new to the sport of fishing, knowing the waterways, or owning a boat, take your time and practice some additional respect and courtesy as you iron the kinks out while you are getting the hang of things.

Salt Action Editorial Team

Salt Action Editorial Team

The Salt Action editorial team is composed of avid saltwater fishing and enthusiasts from the Gulf Coast region. With a shared passion for the water, our team is dedicated to bringing you informative content and providing comprehensive reviews. Our mission is to assist fellow anglers and boaters in enhancing their knowledge and maximizing their enjoyment on the water.

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