Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What makes the Z-Man HellraiZer unique?
A: The Z-Man HellraiZer is a topwater lure with a bladed, tail-propelled design that creates a completely original surface lure category. It offers a hard-cutting walking, spitting, and flashing action on straight retrieves, as well as a lot of commotion on slow retrieves.
Q: Who invented the Z-Man HellraiZer?
A: The Z-Man HellraiZer was created by Don Ravis, the inventor of the original ChatterBait. He wanted to bring the tight vibration and noisy sound of the ChatterBait to the world of surface lures.
Q: How does the weighted tail blade of the Z-Man HellraiZer work?
A: The weighted tail blade gives the lure an attractive vibration and is connected to a rear, feathered treble hook. This combination adds to the swimming motion and attracts fish to strike.
Q: What kind of retrieves work well with the Z-Man HellraiZer?
A: The Z-Man HellraiZer works well with both fast and slow retrieves. On slow retrieves, it rises to the surface and creates a lot of commotion while still maintaining its true action. It also has a brilliant surface walking action that can be achieved with a straight retrieve.
Q: Does the Z-Man HellraiZer come in different color schemes?
A: Yes, the Z-Man HellraiZer is available in ten vibrant and fish-catching color schemes, allowing anglers to choose their preferred design.
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